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Open letter to all mothers

(This letter is also available in Hungarian. A levél magyar változatáért kattintsatok ide: Nyílt levél az anyákhoz )


my name is Zoé Keleti. I am painter and psychologist, traveled the world for the last five years and now I try to make my life in Bremen. I have a one and a half year old son, Hugó.

While writing these lines, he is sleeping next to me. I am watching his peaceful face and I am so happy that we can be together. That I can kiss him and cheer him up when he has a bad dream or falls. That I can hug him and tell him how much I love him. That I can be there when he is afraid of a loud aeroplane and tell him everything is alright.

But my happiness is also mixed with bitterness when I think about my fellow mothers that does not have the chance to do this. The millions of mothers that experience the cruelity of ripping their babies away directly after birth.

Imagine watching your beautiful baby after birth, feeling the enchanting baby smell, giving kisses to them, experiencing the wonder of breastfeeding and the next moment they are gone. You do not know where they take them and you do not know what they do with them.

Maybe you can still hear them crying for days next door or maybe you can run after a truck that takes them away. Probably you will never see her again. And probably she will get hurt, pushed into slavery and in the end get killed.

This happens every day for taking away the mothermilk of cows, goats and sheeps. For humans drinking milk, eating cheese, yoghurt and other milk products. Products that can be also produced plant-based, the same yummy, more healthy and without anybody needing to suffer for it.

Let us stop this cruelty together! Down with the dairy industry! Go vegan!

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