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No donkey is illegal

Today is the day of human rights. We are happy for this. Every human should have equal rights. No matter what colour their skin has, with whom they fuck, what gender they are and where they were born. But why are these right then connected to the species? Does not make sense, its simply specifism.

So we used the day of human rights to start our new campaign: No donkey is illegal!

A campaign for more love and equal rights for every soul!  A campaign against sepcifism.

But wait, what exactly is specifism?

Thinking that you are better, just because you are a human.
Thinking that your life is more value, just because you are a human.
Thinking that you have more rights, just because you are a human.
Treating other life in way, you would never treat yourself.
It is actually the sibling of racism, sexism and egoism.
We need none of it. What we need is love.

riding on my pony

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