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The neverending journey

The neverending journey or how Sahi found the paradise in herself

Where to look for happiness? Difficult question, easy answer. Happiness you can only find in yourself. This is what I realized by standing at 6 in the morning with no sleep behind me with a brush in my hand in front of this canvas.

It is already seven years that I discovered painting. It was for me always a window to another world. But up to now I never had such intensive and exciting project like this picture. I started one month ago to paint this canvas for an art price and exhibition. I started a bit too late and I never painted with a deadline before. It was one month of hardcore painting day and night, and even when i did not have a brush in my hand, I was still in Shai lu Rá, the city in the clouds, I was still flying on the back of the turtle, dancing on the top of the roofs or making a bicycle trip to the moon. It was a time when I got more professional, realized that i really love painting and went for fulfilling my dreams. And also a time of creating a vision, a vision of a place that is colorful, artistic and where animals and human are living together in harmony.

But how is it possible to create a huge canvas within a month with a little kid? It was really difficult, but i am very lucky to have Joshua on my side. I am really grateful to him for taking so much care of Hugó, for helping me to get through the deep points and giving endless inspirations.

Lots of love to you,


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