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Old known blues – One week in the Netherlands

Raindrops on the roof,
singing an old known blues,
and when I feel they wash away my smile,
you come to me and everything is gonna be alright

‘Cause when you are on my side, there are strawberries and sunshine in my mind.

Tomorrow we will finally go to Bruges and our chapter in the Netherlands will come to an end.

One week ago, when we were still at Joshua’s father we imagined our time on the north coast simply wonderful. Zoé, who has never been in the Netherlands before, was dreaming of swimming in the ocean, chilling all day long on the beach and walking in the evening through colorful streets. Well, we said it so many times and it is simply true: If you do not have any expectations, you will not have disappointments.

At least one time we walked through a beautiful city. Goes, a charming medieval town in Zeeland with a city harbor, old houses and a big cathedral.

The rest of the time we were mainly dancing with a hurricane:

It was raining super much and on the beaches many times we felt like walking through an apocalyptic landscape.

But we do not want to be misunderstood. Actually we had a great time. We learned to see the beauty in a grey sky,

to enjoy every moment,

and to believe in ourselves and in the dreams we want to live.

We learned to improvise,

and to take the opportunities that life gives you.

Although next time in September we would maybe check the Adria, we want to say:

 Nederland, bedankt!

Love and kisses,
Zoé and Joshua

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